Facial Wrinkles

Head / Face
Is plastic surgery the only solution for wrinkles?


Wrinkles and sagging are an inevitable consequence of age. The operation known as facial rhytidectomy (lifting) aims to suppress, at the same time, the wrinkles and skin flaccidity of the face and neck. Its appearance can be anticipated by:

Fast weight loss (diets or diseases);
Moral, sentimental and material shocks;
Abusive and frequent exposure to the sun;
Female hormonal deficiencies.


What are the methods for removing “crow’s feet”?

The so-called “crow’s feet”, which are located in the corners of the eyes (palpebral commissure), are expression lines treated as follows:

Botulinum Toxin;
Peels / lasers;
Surgical treatment / Blepharoplasty (see website)?
Skin fillers.

The surgical procedure used to treat “crow’s feet”, is the same used in blepharoplasty (see Eyelids).

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