Bunion Feet

It is a defect in evolution that compromises not only the aesthetics of the feet but also their function, making walking difficult. Women are more subject to the bunion, precisely because they wear high-heeled shoes and a pointed toe.


What is the most appropriate treatment for bunion?

Various techniques can be employed. The simplest is that of Hueter – Mayo, which can be performed under local, general or peridual anesthesia. In this technique, the head of the 1st metatarsal and, if necessary, the base of the phalanx are adequately resected. An incision of 5 to 6 cm is made on the bunion’s own proturberance, without causing muscle damage.


Is there pain? What are the possible results of the operation?

Most patients feel pain when walking in the first few days, some feel nothing. The aesthetic and functional results are good, although the “thumb” is slightly shorter than normal.

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