It involves removing fat deposits, larger or smaller, using metal cannulas of varying thicknesses and dimensions. This is possible thanks to a suction mechanism by special devices, which generate enough negative pressure to suck in fat. The cannula is introduced in the region whose fat will be aspirated through a small cutaneous incision (in the skin) of 0.3 cm.
What are the most appropriate regions of the human body for liposuction?
Certain regions, such as the inner face of the knees, abdomen and arms, are better suited for liposuction. In addition, the existence of firm skin, without sagging, usually found in young people, preferably under 40, contributes to a good final result.
What are Ultrasonic Liposuction, Vibroliposuction and Laser associated with liposuction?
It is the use of energy that allows selective lipolysis (fat destruction) of excess fat. The energy reaches the fat to be removed through special probes or cannulas. The negative pressure that is established causes a real implosion of the fat globules. In all cases, the final result is identical to conventional liposuction, only facilitating the surgeon’s work.
What is lipolight or mini liposuction?
Liposuction techniques are exactly the same as conventional liposuction, where a different nomenclature is created (invented) to try to confuse the candidates for liposuction. “Lipolight, minilipo, lipinho” carry the same risk as a common liposuction, however the liposuction volume (because they are performed in the office) is much smaller; and the increased surgical risk.
What is Liposuction?
It involves removing fat deposits, larger or smaller, using metal cannulas of varying thicknesses and dimensions. This is possible thanks to a suction mechanism by special devices, which generate enough negative pressure to suck in fat. The cannula is introduced in the region whose fat will be aspirated through a small cutaneous incision (in the skin) of 0.3 cm.
What are the most appropriate regions of the human body for liposuction?
Certain regions, such as the inner face of the knees, abdomen and arms, are better suited for liposuction. In addition, the existence of firm skin, without sagging, usually found in young people, preferably under 40, contributes to a good final result.
What are Ultrasonic Liposuction, Vibroliposuction and Laser associated with liposuction?
It is the use of energy that allows selective lipolysis (fat destruction) of excess fat. The energy reaches the fat to be removed through special probes or cannulas. The negative pressure that is established causes a real implosion of the fat globules. In all cases, the final result is identical to conventional liposuction, only facilitating the surgeon’s work.
What is lipolight or mini liposuction?
Liposuction techniques are exactly the same as conventional liposuction, where a different nomenclature is created (invented) to try to confuse the candidates for liposuction. “Lipolight, minilipo, lipinho” carry the same risk as a common liposuction, however the liposuction volume (because they are performed in the office) is much smaller; and the increased surgical risk.