
BIOPLASTY (Skin fillers, wrinkles and furrows)


What is used for a bioplasty?

Skin bio-fillers are used for bioplasty.

There are two modes of action:

The skin filler is an inert and hypoallergenic substance that is introduced in the patient’s expression marks, seeking to soften it, for example: restylane, matacryl, etc.
The skin filler is a substance that will induce the formation of collagen and the filling will be done after a few weeks, for example: sculptra, etc.

Some substances previously used were abolished and prohibited due to the allergenic characteristics they presented.


How is a bioplasty performed?

Bioplasty is a quick procedure that resembles a small injection, performed in the office under local anesthesia.


What can happen after a bioplasty session?

After bioplasty, the following may occur:

Purplish areas (ecchymosis)
Small swelling (edema)
Slight redness on the spot
Transient discomfort


What precautions should I take after bioplasty?

Due to the simplicity of the procedure, little care should be taken. All complications mentioned above resolve spontaneously within a maximum of 72 hours.

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